Just Cause Evictions

Just Cause for Glendale issues twelve legal reasons for eviction. As well as qualifications for monetary relocation assistance and penalties if the landlord has retaliatory intent.

Visit Glendale’s city website for information

Right to Lease

Requires landlords to offer a minimum one year lease option to all tenants at the time of rent increase. Only one rent increase per renewal of lease. Added to Right to Lease are relocation fees, which can be exercise when a tenant elects to vacate a unit in repose to a rent increase of more than 7%

Visit Glendale’s city website for information

City of Glendale Housing Division

It is the City’s direct responsibility to support its residents. If you are comfortable involving the city with your issue, you should reach out to them; they should hear from us whenever there is an issue.

Phone: (818) 548-3926

Email: rent@glendaleca.gov

Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs

Find out more about tenant protections and laws in LA County. You can contact this department if you are experiencing consumer issues as a tenant.

Email: info@dcba.lacounty.gov